Friday, April 10, 2009


thomas will see the rehab doctor on mon. 4/13 to review ct scans and formulate an approach to treat the spasms. another answer to prayer is that Angel Flight will be flying us to Charlotte at the end of April. we will be picked up at the beaver county airport. it is a stretcher accessible 8 seat piper navajo. thomas was interviewed via video by the pastor of chippewa . e. f. church and will be shown during the 4 Easter services. the roberts family at cefc has blessed us by providing their wheelchair van so tbat Thomas may attend church for the first and last time since last fall. What a Saviour is Jesus!!! He is our Hope in all things past, present, and future.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


in the next week thomas will be having CT scans of the cervical, thoracic, and pelvic areas to determine progress of the disease and will see his rehab doctor to decide on further treatment of the muscle spasms that are bothersome. he takes three spasm relief meds but make him very
sleepy. we are grateful for the Lord's continued guidance and providence on the sale of our home. the sale was to be 3/13 but never closed. the new date is 5/1. perhaps we were not ready to move and in retrospect we were not due to infections and issues that set in. please pray for our neighborhood as some of our friends are struggling with the thought of us leaving. our son Nathan especially needs comfort with our imminent separation.